
Our Team

3D Ecolutions is the getting together of 2 like-minded individuals who believe that a startup in the clean environment space is one small step to secure the environment for our future generation. It is this very thought of wanting to ‘give back’ to the society that prompted these individuals to become founding members of 3D Ecolutions.

Santanu Chakravorty


Santanu Chakravorty has been a developmental consultant over the last 20 years and has worked as a developmental strategist to various community leaders, especially in the extreme North East of India. Himself being a social entrepreneur, and investor, he has been a leader and mentor to many young entrepreneurs from that part of the country as well as in a couple of neighboring countries. His focus area is always in the sustainable development sector, specially through rural & agri entrepreneurship like poultry farming, livestock feed production, piggery, vegetable farming etc. As a development consultant he helped private sector investors in setting up their business in rural areas of North east for projects that generated local employment as well as provide opportunities to the investors to expand their business in those areas. Besides the Improved Cook Stove projects being implemented in Thailand and Vietnam, and the ICS Pilot in NE India, our associates led by managing partner Santanu have completed around 3.5 m LED distribution in North and NE India.

Saminder Bedi


Saminder is a business management professional with an experience of 26 years, providing strategic and operational leadership in varied industries that include Consumer Durables / FMCG / Telecom / Agriculture commodities. While the initial 13 years were spent in handling assignments across India, Saminder spent the second half of his career in the Agricultural commodities industry. This helped Saminder gather learnings from the global markets, primarily Southeast Asia and Africa. He has been associated with companies that were signatories to the UN Global Compact and committed to grow in a manner that integrated environmental, social and governance considerations. These companies implemented initiatives like Climate Smart Agriculture, use of renewable energy and Water Stewardship and adhered to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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